Friday, July 16, 2010

A holiday from the poker grind

Every so often, I feel the need to take a break from poker. It's hard to explain the reasoning. Periodic holidays, I find, are necessary to maintain my sense of balance in life. I tend to take a breather when I feel my passion for poker is swallowing up my mind.

To illustrate, here's a rough history of my online poker play over the last nine months:
November: $1,000 profit
December: Took a break
January: $500 profit
February: Took a break
March: $500 profit
April: $500 profit
May: break-even
June: $500 loss
July (to date): $740 profit
At present, I'm running (and playing) pretty darn well - just this morning, I finished second out of 27 players in a $22 SNG, good for $144. But I feel it's time for a break. When I'm spending all my leisure time staring at the laptop, it can drain energy and focus from more important things - my wife, my job, my relationship with God. Winning money at poker is not the chief goal of my life. A week off, maybe two, is definitely in order.
I will, however, continue to monitor the goings-on at the World Series of Poker main event. Michael "The Grinder" Mizrachi, pictured above, is second in chips heading into Day 7, with just 78 players of the original 7,300-plus field remaining. has deadly coverage. Good times.
Bankroll: $4,320

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