Monday, January 31, 2011

Quick poker snapshot

The end of January seems like a good time to update the poker exploits.
There's nothing massive to report since my last post, and that's a good thing, I think. After an atrocious two-month run, I've won back all I've lost. Factoring in the live score I had on New Year's Eve, I'm up $1,000 over the past month-plus-a-day. I'd lost $900 in November/December.
Additionally, as I mentioned in my last post, the only reason I was even taking my broken-down game to the online tables was, I was intent on earning enough frequent player points for a $250 electronics gift card. Mission accomplished. Bonus.
I was up a few more bucks, before enduring a little $200 downswing. But I've won more than half of that back, and my game is stable and sound.
Bankroll: $6,000. It's good to be back.


  1. Just curious, what was your initial bank roll when you first started playing online poker? Have you built your roll up from scratch, or did it require an initial investment on your part?

  2. My bankroll started from a $5 initial investment in a tournament during university, and I've kept my poker finances separate from my household finances since then. So yes, I built it from scratch.
    I think I'll write a longer post on bankroll management, a topic I'm very passionate about.
